2 Introduction

The landscape of Open Access Diamond Journal providers is highly diverse in terms of the geographical distribution, available resources and technical knowledge. The deliverable D2.2 “Reusable curriculum for upskilling trainings” created within the CRAFT-OA task “T2.2 Community Support Framework” offers a starting point in the upskilling process of relevant stakeholders. It is first and foremost aimed at Open Access Journal editors, reviewers and technical professionals, as well as Institutional Publishing Service and Technology Providers . The list of potential target groups can be extended with, e.g., software developers and researchers involved in academic publishing initiatives, research performing organisations, infrastructures and . The curriculum might also be useful for the upskilling of audiences who do not directly interact with the technical aspects of their respective platforms.

The curriculum provides a framework for closing the technical gaps that were defined in the “Report on challenges and help measures faced by Open Access journals and platforms” (D3.2 of CRAFT-OA, chapter 3). The curriculum topics were aligned with these findings, which serve as building blocks for its content. The modular structure allows adapting and customising its components to the individual needs and requirements of the participants of a training (chapter 4). The syllabus assigns topics to the broader thematic areas, and suggests related training materials which are either already existing or planned to be produced by CRAFT-OA project (chapter 5).

Changing the perspective from the trainees to the trainers, the curriculum offers guidelines on the organisational side of a potential upskilling event (see chapter 6). These formalise the planning process, training’s objectives, target groups, the available resources and evaluation. In addition, the guidelines define the training structure and workflow, providing practical instructions to the institutions willing to utilise the contents of the D2.2.

Taking inspiration from the “Extensible Quality Standard in Institutional Publishing (EQSIP) V2.0 for Diamond Open Access”, the upskilling topics are summarised in a check-list. A graphic on the break-up of the training modules helps to visualise the division of topics in foundational and advanced levels.

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